Rules and Documents
All documents in this section concern the rules and the paperwork related to the certification process.
SMILO rules concern all of the certification steps:
- the SMILO strategic principles to which islands must strive towards
Strategic principles 2022 / English
Principes stratégiques 2022 / Français
- the constitution and operating of the Island Committee
Island Committee Rules June 2017 / edition n°1 – English
Règles du comité insulaire Juin 2017 / édition n°1 – Français
Regole del Comitato insulare Giugno 2017 / edizione n°1 – Italiano
Regras do Comité insular Junho 2017 / edição n°1 – Português
- the explanatory notes for the diagnosis and strategic plan
Explanatory note for developing the island’s diagnosis and defining its strategic plan June 2017 / edition n°1 – English
- the conditions for access to the Islands Fund
Access rules to the island fund – June 2017 / edition n°1 – English
Règles d’accès au fonds pour les îles – Juin 2017 / édition n°1 – Français
Regole di accesso al fondo per le isole – Giugno 2017 / edizione n°1 – Italiano
Regras do acesso ao fundo para as ilhas – Junho 2017 / edição n°1 – Português
In order to advance in the certification process, islands must fill in several documents:
- their Island Committee
Island committee – English
Comité insulaire – Français
Comitato insulare – Italiano
Comité insular – Português
their Sustainable Island Declaration
Declaration towards sustainable development of small islands – EnglishDéclaration pour le developpement durable des petites îles – Français
Dichiarazione sull’ambiente e lo sviluppo sostenibile delle isole minori – Italiano
Declaraçao para o desenvolvimento sustentavel de pequenas ilhas – Português
- their cooperation agreement
Cooperation agreement – English
Contrat de cooperation – Français
Contratto di cooperazione – Italiano
Contrato de cooperaçao – Português
- their diagnosis grid
Grid to develop the island’s diagnoses and define its strategic plan – English
Grille pour élaborer le diagnostique de l’île et définir son plan strategique – Français
Tabella per l’elaborazione delle diagnosi dell’isola e la definizione del piano strategico – Italiano
Grelha para elaboraçao do diagnostico de ilha e definiçao dseu plano estrategico – Português
- their request for access to the Fund
Islands fund application – English
Demande d’accés au fond pour les îles – Français
Domanda di accesso al fondo per le isole – Italiano
Pedido de acesso ao fundo para as ilhas – Português
- their application for the label
Label application – English
Demande d’obtention du label – Français
Domanda di ottenimento del label – Italiano
Pedido de obtençao da certificaçao – Português - their annual activity report to keep the label
Label monitoring – English
Suivi du label – Français
Monitoraggio del label – Italiano
Acompanhamento da certifiçao – Português