Creation of the Island Committee
The Island Committee, a keystone of the SMILO approach, brings together the island’s main stakeholders and plans the sustainable development of their terrestrial and marine environments, around a common and shared vision. It is the permanent liaison body with the SMILO association office.
The Committee shall be at least composed of:
- A representative of a local public institution
- Representative(s) of local communities
- A representative of a locally established association
- A land administration representative and/or administrators of protected areas if applicable
- A representative of the island’s main economic industries (agriculture, fishing, hotels and catering structures, craftsmanship…)
Please find all the rules concerning the Island Committee via the following links :
Island Committee Rules
Règles du comité insulaire
Regole del Comitato insulare
Regras do Comité insular
A Committee or a group similar to the Island Committee, can already exist on the island making the application. A Committee whose composition and processes are similar but “incomplete” in regards to these recommendations will have to include new members and new Sustainable Island label requirements in its area of expertise. Finally, if the island does not have any committee of this type, an Island Committee must be created accordingly.
To fill in the composition of your island committee, please fill in the following forms:
Island committee
Comité insulaire
Comitato insulare
Comité insular