Controlling the impacts of maritime transport to an island and visitors numbers

Since the 60s and 70s and for a few decades, many boat companies have offered numerous maritime shuttles, including, for example, a half-a-day visit to Saint-Honorat and the nearby island of Sainte Marguerite, resulting in an uncontrollable development of mass tourism. The Abbey thus wanted to gain more control over the visitors’ influx to better […]

Choosing an appropriate sewage treatment system

The existing treatment infrastructures in Brownsea were old, costly and risky: the pollution risk to soils and potential aquifers by sewage was high. These structures were also impractical, needing to be emptied and cleaned regularly. Therefore, The National Trust decided to upgrade the treatment system.

A Solar Desalinator to ease human activities on Santa Luzia

On the uninhabited island of Santa Luzia, Cape Verde, SMILO financed the purchase and installation of a solar desalinator. This innovative and sustainable solution will allow a better and easier access to water for local fishermen and conservation national and international teams.

Restoring ancient cisterns in Kerkennah for a sustainable water management

In the framework of a project financed by SMILO’s Islands Fund and the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM), the Island Committee and the Municipality of Kerkennah (Tunisia) are restoring ancient cisterns and impluviums. This project aims at improving water access, use and management on the island.