BEMED - Islands Capitalisation process
Location: Mediterranean islands
Duration: 2 years (October 2020 – October 2022)
Financial and institutional partners: BEMED, SCP/RAC
Global budget: 109,570 €
Project description
The project aims to have a long-term impact on marine waste reduction by capitalising on the results of the plastics prevention projects supported under the BeMed Mediterranean Islands call for projects.
In order to achieve this, three levels of intervention are foreseen, with the following specific objectives:
- FAVOURING COLLABORATION between the BeMed island projects selected in the framework of the call for projects in the Mediterranean islands in order to facilitate a coherent and complementary approach.
- TRANSFER the approaches, results and lessons learned from individual projects to other islands in the Med in order to build capacity and support the creation of new island partnerships.
- ENSURE THE REPRESENTATION of the projects and their results in national and regional policies, particularly in the framework of the Barcelona Convention, by working jointly with other capitalisation programmes such as the AMP Plastic Busters project.
Links of interest:
Infographics | CapiMed-Islands_summary