Creating locally-based social and environmental funds to boost Culatra’s capacity to participate in the ‘Energy Transition Agenda’ and in the sustainability process.
Creating locally-based social and environmental funds to boost Culatra’s capacity to participate in the ‘Energy Transition Agenda’ and in the sustainability process.
Project: Creating social and environmental responsibility funds
Place: Culatra, Portugal
Thematic: Financing
Culatra2030 team, including Associação de Moradores da Ilha da Culatra (AMIC), University of Algarve, Make it Better association, Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Algarve (CCDR).
Setting up locally-based funds that can be socially responsible mechanisms for responding to the problems of the community facing complex environmental or social challenges such as:
Community-based financial ‘services’ focused on supporting local economies, energy transition and environmental safeguarding. A determined percentage of the sale of some services and products on the island are given to the Fund.
Fund revenues:
Fund applications:
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