To find out more, you can click on each part of the labelling process in the diagram below:

The Sustainable Island label developed by SMILO offers tangible proof of an island’s commitment; it is synonymous with international recognition of efforts made by small islands. As well as showcasing the “experimental” regions that play a role in the ecological transition, the label aims to highlight the challenges inherent in conserving small islands. To support islands as they work toward the label, SMILO has established the Islands Fund, which helps finance concrete, innovative operations on islands that contribute to protecting terrestrial and marine biodiversity.
During the development phase (2017-2021), 18 small islands joined SMILO with the intention of earning the Sustainable Island label. They are located in Europe, around the Mediterranean, in Africa, the Indian Ocean and South-East Asia.
Today, over 45 islands are members of the SMILO network, driven by a mind-set of cooperation and solidarity between islands. The members share their knowledge and best practices at regular meetings. They also attend training courses and workshops hosted by experts – who mostly donate their time free of charge. The islands can call upon these experts for advice and technical back-up out in the field.
The SMILO Label helps recognise islands involved in a continuous improvement process which includes several steps:
- establishing an Island Committee that represents all stakeholders of the area
- adhering to the SMILO philosophy and committing to the certification process
- developing a territory diagnosis as well as defining the issues and priorities of the island
- assessing its interim condition of identifying efforts already provided by the island as well as its commitment to the process
- implementing measures that contribute to achieving the priority objectives of the island
- carrying out a final assessment to obtain the label
- maintaining efforts to improve the sustainability of the area and to keep the label
Throughout this process, several tools are available to the islands:
- strategic and technical support is provided through the availability of experts/facilitators, good practice sheets, participation in Technical workshops, and inter-island meetings
- when eligible (criteria depending on the project), they can have access to the Islands Fund in order to finance measures to achieve priority objectives