SMILO Annual Conference
Kerkennah 2021
The islands of Kerkennah hosted the 5th SMILO Annual Conference on November 23-25, 2021.
This event gathered 65 participants, representing 18 islands and 13 different countries: Brasil, England, Estonia, France (including French Polynesia), Greece, Guinea Bissau, Italy, Mozambique, Portugal, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Tanzania and Tunisia.
On this occasion, the Association organised its General Assembly, and different activities were implemented to imply our partners within our network, to create connections between different islands and organisations, and to exchange good practices and lessons learned. Find the programme here.
- Participants list
- Annual Conference – summary
- General Assembly – minutes
- General Assembly – Powerpoint presentation
- Moral Report 2021
- Projects on Kerkennah – Powerpoint presentation
The Conference was coorganised by SMILO, the Municipality of Kerkennah and Conservatoire du Littoral, with the support of the Prince Albert 2 Foundation and the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM).