Area: 16,38km²
Location: Gulf of Livonia, Estonia
Number of inhabitants:
Yearly : 350
Seasonally : 700
Number of visitors: 20000
Protected island: Yes
land protection status: Natura 2000
Maritime protection status: Kihnu islets nature protected area
Kihnu Cultural Space was proclaimed by UNESCO as a intangible cultural heritage, lot of old traditions here still alive : own language, folkcostumes, folkdances and- songs, popular calender celebrations, wedding tradition and traditional living substances. Island is municipality, here is a basic school, museum, cultural house, ortodox church, health care center, lighthouse, Metsamaa heritage farm and 2 shops. Men are engaged with sailing, fishing and building, woman do a lt of traditonal handycraft. Important is traditional food, included seal meat.
Kihnu is a municipality, in local government office works about 10 people, in school 12 teachers, museum and cultural house both 2 employees. Main purpose is take care of island roads, develop economy by builging the harbour and good contitions for local entrepneurs, keep school and kindergarden and social qurantees for those who need it.