On the Island of Principe, local actors work on activities to preserve and promote a sustainable use of their mangroves. SMILO financed activities part of a larger program aiming at conserving and sustainably using this UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.
“Mangrove Conservation and Sustainable Use in Principe Island Biosphere Reserve” wants to preserve all 3 mangrove sites on the island. These habitats are more and more threatened by deforestation, agriculture, extraction of timber, wood and charcoal. These interventions are contributing to exacerbate the impacts of extreme events due to global warming, such as flooding and erosion, says the UNESCO report (link).
Among the actions of this program, SMILO’s Islands Fund financed several works, as well as the purchase of material and made possible the implementation and the dissemination of awareness campaigns and trainings.
Place: Island of Principe Biosphere
Reserve, Sao Tome and Principe
Thematic: Biodiversity protection
Budget: 74 000€
Partners: Regional Direction of the Environment and Nature Conservation, UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, Associação dos Amigos da Biosfera
da Ilha do Príncipe (AARBIP)